What is Your Content Strategy Exactly?

Now more than ever, customers want to get to know everything about your brand. They want to know what your services are, what you as a company really cares about and what your product means to them in their lives. It really is a lot to think about. Then on top of that, you have to figure out where to tell all your prospective customers, in different ways and communicate those things that you know,…

The Power of Storytelling

When I was 13 years old I thought I was way too cool for school.  Now I know, I’m probably not the only one. When you are in your teenage years you don’t think you need to hang out with your parents anymore, all you wanna do is be with your friends who are also either just as cool or almost as cool as you are. When you’re a teenager, especially a male one at...

Are Photos Still Enough?

Looking at the landscape of advertising now, small businesses have so many options that are relatively inexpensive. However, a majority of small businesses are very inexperienced at how to utilize these platforms and even more inexperienced to know what works with audiences on different platforms. It's true, what you put on the radio or TV, will not work on social media. What's more, is that what used to work on social media, probably doesn't work...

Happy Anniversary

A year ago today, I left an amazing company where I managed a talented group of leaders and marketers. We represented one of the great American brands with a remarkable experiential marketing program that I wrote with an extremely brilliant Account Director. I loved the work, and those around me did too. Then the agency life got in the way. While our program offered the best possible results and return for the client, the SVP…